Equipment and application examples

Below you will find photos of external appliances visible throughout the building (control consoles, panels, sensors), as well as descriptions of interesting additional uses or features. The equipment is hidden in control cabinets. One console may control many different appliances or groups of appliances. A smaller number of such devices means aesthetics in a large room. The equipment is available in various colour options.

Here are examples of consoles, remote controls and sensors used with the KNX system (466 KB)

Control consoles

Zobacz Equipment and application examples - przycisk3 Zobacz Equipment and application examples - przycisk artec Zobacz Equipment and application examples - przycisk mplan multi

Consoles with thermostats

Zobacz Equipment and application examples - przycisk3t Zobacz Equipment and application examples - przycisk mplan t Zobacz Equipment and application examples - BIQsmall

Expanded consoles

Zobacz Equipment and application examples - przycisk mplan3 Zobacz Equipment and application examples - panel Plantec r

Large consoles

Zobacz Equipment and application examples - przycisk5w Zobacz Equipment and application examples - panel Plantec 3f

Glass consoles (touch-controlled)

Zobacz Equipment and application examples - przycisk szklany2 Zobacz Equipment and application examples - przycisk szklany3a

Remote control devices

Zobacz Equipment and application examples - pilot ir Zobacz Equipment and application examples - pilot radiobus Zobacz Equipment and application examples - pilot pronto Zobacz Equipment and application examples - ru980

Display screens

Zobacz Equipment and application examples - panel mini Zobacz Equipment and application examples - panel mini2

Control panels

Zobacz Equipment and application examples - panel lcd Zobacz Equipment and application examples - panel dotykowy Zobacz Equipment and application examples - smarttouch

Control consoles and panels

Zobacz Equipment and application examples - panel st Zobacz Equipment and application examples - tablica Zobacz Equipment and application examples - ru1000

Motion detectors

Zobacz Equipment and application examples - cz ruchu1 Zobacz Equipment and application examples - cz ruchu2 Zobacz Equipment and application examples - cz obecnosci

Smoke and wind sensors

Zobacz Equipment and application examples - cz dymu Zobacz Equipment and application examples - cz wiatru

Light sensors
While working intensively i. e. with the computer, we do not notice minute changes of the lighting conditions. Our body reacts only when the light is decidedly weaker. However, even then we do not get up to turn it on, we do it first when we almost cannot see the written text. This, done day after day for years will make our eyesight weaker and weaker. Our eyes get damaged while working in poor lighting conditions, even when we ourselves do not notice that it’s dark. That is why it is very advantageous to use a lighting sensor at the workplace; it will take care to keep the lighting at a steady level. On cloudy days, when it is once dark, and in a moment bright outside again, it is irreplaceable.

Visualisation using the computer
With advanced systems, all the control functions should be concentrated in one spot, like the reception or the hotel lobby. The visualisation software will allow for an at-a-glance inspection. It is easy to use, allows the user to see every room and every subsystem on the screen. It is useful during routine checks and as a warning system. Also, when it comes to system maintenance and service is such software beneficial. The controlled units are shown on the screen (flow, coolant temperature, oil pressure and so on), as well as any data on failures and inconsistencies. This allows us to spare much on service personnel.

Access control door lock
An automatic door lock with access control. The lock recognises each passing person. After the key had been turned, signals can be sent to other appliances, in order to i. e. shut off the lights, lower the blinds or the temperature… Key loss does not mean we have to change the lock, all one has to do is remove access approval for that particular key. One can also use a completely automatic door with a remote lock (or a lock opened using a key card).

Presence simulation
Active inhabitant presence simulation i. e. when they are on holiday. When they are resting far away from home, the house becomes a place of interest for the thief. Presence simulation greatly reduces the risk of an unpleasant surprise after one has come back. An appropriate module 'records’ the inhabitants’ activities during the period before the holidays, and 'plays it back’. The effect is most convincing, because it resembles actual daily activities, which vary from day to day. One can choose, which elements are to be part of it, so there is no energy wasted i. e. for the washing machine or coffee percolator.

Control via the telephone
Using the telephone, one can control the whole system from any given place. This allows you to check the state of the system, the power supply, the heating and so on. It also enables you to i. e. turn the heating on early in the morning. The system issues a message should the heating fail, a pipe burst, a window be open or if a trespasser is detected, to the owner’s phone, the neighbour’s, the workplace or the security company.

GSM communication
Using the telephone, one can control the whole system from any given place. This allows you to check the state of the system, the power supply, the heating and so on. It also enables you to i. e. turn the heating on early in the morning. The system issues a message should the heating fail, a pipe burst, a window be open or if a trespasser is detected, to the owner’s phone, the neighbour’s, the workplace or the security company.

Automatic watering of the garden
Large green spaces require frequent and precise watering. This is difficult to achieve with traditional methods, so that the plants get just the right amount of water they need, taking into account the temperature and rainfall. The intelligent home can control the sprinklers automatically, should the ground become too dry.

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