Inteligentny Dom – SMARTech

Integration with computers, the Internet, the entry phone, the telephone…

Zobacz Integration with computers, the Internet, the entry phone, the telephone... - przewod EIB

An intelligent building is not only a control system, but also an appropriate way of designing the 'media’ cabling – the TV, telephone and data cabling. The integration of all logical networks in the house raises its value and comfort, combines luxury and security, enabling you to utilise better appliances such as the phone the TV, computers and cameras. All installations take the form of a star with the lines in one central point. Such an installation allows communication functions to be assigned to rooms easily and provide excellent signal quality.

Any electronic signal (TV, phone, Internet) can be directed to any spot in the house without the hassle of having to lay extra cabling that eventually develops into a 'cable spaghetti’. The video signal can be sent to any receiver without the need to carry devices around; one can build an internal phone network and add to it services such as an entry phone or an intercom. Thanks to this one can e. g. watch a DVD movie on any chosen screen or talk on the phone using any receiver, even a cordless one. If there are two computers in the house we can create a computer network for easy data sharing.

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